• info@mof.gov.sd
  • 2025-02-11
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  • Beta Version

Government interest in supporting youth employment opportunities

Dr. Gibril Ibrahim, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, stressed the government’s interest in supporting youth employment opportunities and activating the role of the private sector to open new job opportunities that absorb the energies of youth, in addition to benefiting from microfinance windows to build productive projects that contribute to reducing unemployment rates and improving the standard of living of citizens, which supports the state’s efforts in this field.
The Minister pointed out – during his meeting with the Chairman and members of the Sudanese Youth Council at the Ministry’s headquarters today – the importance of benefiting from the available opportunities in the productive sectors, especially agriculture, to build investment partnerships that absorb the capabilities of youth, stressing the government’s interest in supporting vocational and craft training centers and benefiting from national expertise to qualify youth.
The Minister pointed out the importance of the Council’s communication with local and international civil society organizations to benefit from training opportunities, build skills, and open opportunities to exchange experiences with similar youth organizations in other countries.
For his part, Mohamed Al-Sawahili, Chairman of the Council, provided a detailed explanation of the Council’s objectives, including encouraging youth work in agriculture, food systems, and self-employment projects, deepening youth participation in community issues, and raising awareness to confront the risks facing youth, most notably drugs, extremism, and racism.
The Minister was briefed on the Council’s initiatives funded by the private sector to combat drugs, support and back up shelters for the displaced and those affected by the war, and support the armed forces.